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  3. Export XML Feeds
  4. ReSales-Online XML feed structure

ReSales-Online XML feed structure

The XML feed structure provided by ReSales-Online is well-organized and customizable, designed to provide property data in an easily accessible format.

Code Examples

ReSales-Online offers a variety of unique format feeds to cater to various data requirements see the list here. Each XML feed format has specific child elements that are critical for the correct interpretation and use of the feed data. Detailed code examples for each format can be found in below articles list. Understanding these code examples is key to utilizing the feed effectively.

Modifying Output with Parameters

The output of the XML feed can be customized to fit specific requirements by adjusting various parameters. This feature allows you to control what information is included in the feed, providing greater flexibility and control over your data. The list of parameters per feed type can be found here.

Property Types and Features

ReSales-Online provides an extensive list of property types and features that can be utilized in XML feeds. This allows you to filter and categorize properties based on their specific characteristics. The list of property features can be found here and property types here.

By understanding and utilizing these resources, you can ensure that you’re making the most out of ReSales-Online’s XML feeds.


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